Have you been wondering why the name Enterprises UP is linked to the full-time English courses offered by the University of Pretoria? One of the reasons for this, is the way that the University is structured.

What is Enterprises UP?
Large organisations are usually divided into smaller units to make them easier to manage. While companies have departments such as finance, marketing, operations management, human resources (HR) and IT, universities have faculties which manage different subject areas, research centres and administrative divisions such as student administration. Enterprises UP is the division of the University of Pretoria that runs all the short, non-degree courses.
There are nine faculties at the University of Pretoria
The University of Pretoria (UP) has nine faculties, including:
Economic & Management Sciences;
Built Environment & IT;
Health Sciences;
Humanities; and
There are more than 60 000 students registered across the different faculties in 2023. UP is internationally recognised as a top-quality educational institution, and, to maintain this reputation for excellence, needs to make sure that the academic and administrative staff are well supported. The creation of departments, faculties and administrative units makes this support possible.
What faculty is the Centre for Language Learning part of?
The Centre for Language Learning which offers the full-time courses in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is part of the Faculty of Humanities. This is because one of the main areas of research in Humanities is the study of language, including language learning and teaching. However, the EFL courses are short courses rather than degree courses because students don’t have to qualify for admission to the University to be accepted onto a short course. The EFL courses are therefore run through Enterprises UP as it is able to offer short practical courses designed to develop professional skills. Although the EFL courses are not credit-bearing and do not count towards a formal qualification, the quality assurance is still managed by the University in order to ensure teaching excellence.
The Centre for Language Learning offers full-time English courses under the University of Pretoria's Faculty of Humanities. These courses are part of Enterprises UP, which manages short, non-degree programs. While not credit-bearing, the courses uphold the University’s standards of quality assurance, ensuring high teaching excellence. https://hesaplio.github.io/yuzde-hesaplama/
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